Setting an Earn CEU Date for an Event

If an event offers CEU credit, you can specify when the credits are earned by registrants for the event. This allows you to manage the credits based on your organization's policies.

Before you perform this task, you must add credits to the event, using the Add-Event Credit form.

Use the following steps to set the CEU earned date for event registrants:

  1. Go to the Events module and List or Find an active event.
  2. From the Event Profile page, click the Edit Event button. The Edit-Event Information form opens.
  3. In the Event Information section, select a value for the earn ceu on field. The date you select determines when the credit is recognized as earned:
    • Start Date is the date shown in the event start date field. This is usually the default value.
    • End Date is the date shown in the event end date field. If there is no start date, this is the default value.
    • Registration Date is the date that the registration is entered in the system. If the event is free, and has no start or end date, this is the default value.
    • Invoice Date is the date that the registration is invoiced in the system. If a paid event has no start or end date, this is the default value.
  4. Click Save to update the Event record.

Important! When CEU credits are generated, you cannot retroactively change the application date. You can change the earn ceu on field in the Edit-Event Information form, but any change you make only applies to registrations that are generated after the change.

  • If you do not make a selection for earn ceu on, the default values are—in order—Start Date, End Date, and Invoice Date. For free events, which have no invoices, the Registration Date is used in place of the Invoice Date as the final default value.
  • If you manually add CEU credits for an event, the value selected for earn ceu on is used to apply the credits. If no value is selected, the defaults for the application date are—in order—Start Date, End Date, and the date and time when the credits are added to the system.
  • Setting this option on the Edit-Event Information form updates the default value for the credit earned-on date for the event. Credits are created based on the value set by the EventRecognizeCEU system option, but the earned-on date is updated to the value set in the earn ceu on field.